"...the eating disorder voice and behaviors gradually recede into the background, and recovery becomes reality."

Through treatment, people learn to gradually regain trust in their bodies, as once experienced in an earlier time of life. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Interpersonal Psychotherapy, Internal Family Systems Therapy, Assertiveness Training, Family of Origin work and Family Therapy help to explore their personal histories and what contributes to current disordered eating and body/weight struggles.

Continual attention and development craft an inner intuitive voice that eventually replaces the dominant voice of the eating disorder. We work on incorporating self-nuturing behaviors and reincorporating those once abandoned. Clients discover interests other than food and weight; these interests gradually replace the overwhelming eating disorder paradigm. I have faith that anyone can recover with perseverance, insight, and support.
A disordered relationship with food, weight or one’s body hinders one’s ability to live life to the fullest. Incrementally, through encouragement and acknowledgment, the eating disorder voice and behaviors gradually recede into the background, and recovery becomes reality.